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207 N West St
Dadeville, AL, 36853
United States

(256) 825-9232

The Horseshoe Bend Regional Library serves as the system headquarters for the nine public libraries located in Alabama's Coosa, Elmore, Lee, and Tallapoosa counties.


News from the library

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New passport photo service

Horseshoe Bend Regional Library

The library has a new passport photo service on site. Photos are available from 10 am – 4 pm Tuesdays, 10 am – 5 pm Wednesdays, 10 am – 3 pm Thursdays, & on Mondays by appointment only. Times are subject to change so please call to verify or make an appointment. Photos are $15 each.

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Help save our storytime!

Horseshoe Bend Regional Library

Click here to donate

Since 1970 our Storytime program has been a summer staple for many area children, bringing weekly reading programs to preschoolers in libraries, communities, and child care centers. Children look forward to it each summer. Unfortunately, this year we don’t have the money to make it happen, due to substantial budget cuts! We feel very strongly that participation in this program is beneficial to the children, and we don’t want to give it up. Please help us continue by contributing to our fund.

Horseshoe Bend Regional Library is a four-county public library system in East Central Alabama. In addition to Summer Storytime, we deliver books to the homebound elderly, send our bookmobile (yes, we still have a bookmobile!) to rural communities, childcare and eldercare facilities; and provide administrative support to nine local public libraries. Our funds come primarily from the state and local counties. The budget was cut dramatically in recent years. There are no funds in the current budget for the program.

For many years we've been fortunate to have two great special education teachers as presenters. In addition to encouraging the love of books and reading in the children; they've discovered several special needs preschoolers and connected them with early intervention programs. Last summer they presented 219 programs to 4,172 participants. Each year we get letters of gratitude from participants. An example: "This program has been extremely beneficial in the fact that it has encouraged reading among the children. The children look forward each week to the reader coming to visit. This time gives the children an opportunity to learn new things through the stories and to ask questions. More positive literacy programs such as this one are desperately needed, especially for children who live in homes where reading is not introduced or books are not made available. If this program were to be ended, it would be greatly missed and the children would be very disappointed."

We hope to continue Storytime this summer. We have some funds, we need an additional $2,500 to completely fund the six-week program. Any amount you desire to contribute will be most appreciated.