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207 N West St
Dadeville, AL, 36853
United States

(256) 825-9232

The Horseshoe Bend Regional Library serves as the system headquarters for the nine public libraries located in Alabama's Coosa, Elmore, Lee, and Tallapoosa counties.

Library Board

The Board of Trustees of the Horseshoe Bend Regional Library is comprised of eight trustees appointed by the County Commissions of Elmore, Lee and Tallapoosa counties, as well as the Cities of Goodwater and Rockford. The board shall have those duties and responsibilities authorized by the Code of Alabama, 1975, Section 11-90-1 et seq. Members of the board will complete Trustee Training when necessary, or as required by Alabama Public Library Service. Trustees serve without compensation, except that necessary traveling (mileage) and subsistence expenses incurred may be paid from the library fund.

The Board of Trustees shall meet quarterly in the Horseshoe Bend Regional Library. The meeting held in September will be for the purpose of electing officers and approving the budget for the next fiscal year.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 1:30 PM (Central Time Zone)

    • Agenda

      • Review & Approve Policy and Procedures Manual